(CONFIDENTIAL) “Politics makes strange bedfellows”, is the famous quote by Charles Dudley Warner, defined as to bring together people who otherwise have little in common.
And what in common does HilLary Clinton have with Madonna and Katy Perry? Nothing, probably, except that the latter two are taking their clothes off in support of the former, in her bid to become President of the United States.
“Im voting naked with Katy Perry!! Vote for Hillary. She’s the Best we got!. Nude Voting series # 1” said Madonna on Instagram.
In the picture you see the 58-year-old Queen of Pop from the nose down to her cleavage, and she is wearing a glistening grill in her teeth.
“Women Run the World now they have to get out and start supporting one another.
“No more misogynist feminists! No more mysogony. Get out and Vote (sic).”

On Tuesday, Katy Perry, a prominent Hillary supporter, shared a light-hearted clip on her Twitter page where she turns up to vote in the buff, but soon runs into trouble when the police turn up to arrest her.

She finds herself in the back of a police car next to a fellow naturist voter.
“Did you really read the Constitution or just skimmed it,” Perry is asked when insisting she read the Constitution and it is her constitutional right to vote naked. Or is it?
The superstar said she’s going to use her body as “clickbait” in the daring video.
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