Much was speculated about the national costume that Natalia Carvajal would wear at the Miss Universe. After a long wait, finally the Miss Costa Rica presented, on Monday December 10, in Thailand her costume inspired by a butterfly Morpho, and that allowed her to show off her shapely figure.

The Tica demonstrated an enormous security on the catwalk.
Carvajal said in her Instagram account, the wings of the butterfly were made by William Rodriguez, while the corset is a creation of the late designer Daniel Moreira, who died last August. As for their earrings and shoes, they are by Ana Gutiérrez and Daniel del Barco, respectively.
Another Central American that stood out was Marisela de Montecristo, Miss El Salvador, who surprised the audience with an outfit inspired by the Flower Festival of Panchimalco, a town located in the south of her country, and whose festivity takes place in the month of may. As part of her accessories she highlighted the use of a mask and a machete.
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