COSTA RICA EXTRA via Huffpost – Bond, James Bond, is a misogynist.
In a recent interview with The Red Bulletin, Craig discussed the upcoming Bond movie “Spectre” and how the character is definitely a bit sexist.
“Let’s not forget that he’s actually a misogynist,” Craig told the interviewer, who had described Bond as an admired ladies’ man. “A lot of women are drawn to him chiefly because he embodies a certain kind of danger and never sticks around for too long.”
In all his beautiful, blue-eyed glory, Craig pointed out Hollywood’s sexist double standard in regards to women and aging.
When the interviewer asked about Bond “succumbing to the charms of an older woman,” referring to Bond’s love interest actress Monica Belluci in “Spectre,” Craig quickly shut him down. “I think you mean the charms of a woman his own age,” Craig said. “We’re talking about Monica Bellucci, for heaven’s sake. When someone like that wants to be a Bond girl, you just count yourself lucky!”

Belluci is 51, making her only four years older than 47-year-old Craig. That’s a lot more realistic than most Hollywood films, which allow leading men to age but their female love interests stay the same (a.k.a. rarely above 35 years old).
When the interviewer pointed out that Bond’s character has become “a bit more chivalrous” in recent films, Craig replied: “That’s because we’ve surrounded him with very strong women who have no problem putting him in his place.”
Fighting bad guys and sexism? Now that’s a hot 007.
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