Via YATZU – Two years ago, 29-year-old Mihaela Noroc quit her job in Romania to backpack around the world.
The budding photographer made it to 37 countries and every continent except for Antarctica.
During her travels, she photographed hundreds of beautiful women in their own cultural surroundings to compile her new project “The Atlas of Beauty.” It shows a range of faces from the Amazon rainforest to the streets of downtown New York.
She decided to choose only one age group and gender — her own — because she thought this would allow both her and her audience to more easily compare the diverse faces.
Because Noroc spoke five languages, she said it was not always hard to communicate with her subjects. She tried to make the women feel special and unique and bring out their natural beauty and confidence.
“Sometimes I have only 30 seconds to make a portrait, because I meet an interesting woman, by chance, on the street,” the photographer said in a written statement to Business Insider. “Other times, I maybe spend one hour, photographing, after I found her on a social network, a day before.”
Noroc is looking for funding to continue her journey and visit new countries to photograph women and complete the project.
“Now I can say that beauty is everywhere, and it’s not a matter of cosmetics, money, race, or social status, but more about being yourself,” she said.
You can follow her journey and work on her Facebook page as well as her Instagram and Tumblr accounts.
“Now I can say that beauty is everywhere, and it’s not a matter of cosmetics, money, race, or social status, but more about being yourself,” she said about the project. Here Noroc is photographing a woman in Cuba.
Bogotá, Colombia

Colca Valley, Peru



El Paico, Chile


Kichwa woman in Amazonian rainforest
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